It’s that time of year again when we talk about being grateful. It’s wonderful that we put emphasis on this feeling, this time each year. But we should really take time to be grateful year-round. Being grateful is a personal experience. We should look back at the people and circumstances that have helped us grow and prosper and be thankful.
But the next step is just as important. Showing appreciation. If gratitude is the feeling, then appreciation is acting upon that feeling and showing others that you are grateful. Learning to be grateful makes us feel good; showing appreciation makes others feel good.
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There are 100s if not 1,000s of things that you can say or do to show your appreciation. But we want to make sure that you do it right and do it with B.A.C.O.N,
When showing Appreciation…
B - Be genuinely grateful
A - Articulate those feelings
C - Compliment in private and public
O - Offer praise, not just thanks
N - Never too late
Do you count your Wins or your Woes? Spend some quality time each day pondering the successes, wonderful moments, and people in your life. Regularly feeling grateful can have a positive impact on your mental, emotional, and even physical wellbeing. And being appreciative can do the same for others.
Let’s talk about some of the best (or most fun) ways to show appreciation.
For the whole story, check out "BACON BITS with Master Happiness" on 98.3 FM, Monday Night at 7:00 PM and start making your life SIZZLE!
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