Hi, I’m Marty Jalove with Master Happiness.
How are you doing today?
I mean, how are you REALLY doing today?
We are faced with Anger, Sadness, and Fear every day. That means that Happiness is outnumbered 3 to 1.
Sometimes life seems unfair, boring, and it’s often hard to get motivated.
But there are plenty of exciting Paths of Happiness all around you. You just need to know how to find them and get back on them.
Are you unhappy or feel unfulfilled with your place in the world?
Let’s get you back in touch with your Inner Bacon, your passion! -
Has your career become just a job and lost its excitement?
Maybe it’s time for a change in direction, appreciation, or approach! -
Have you moved personal relationships to the back burner?
Give your communication skills a boost! -
Are you searching for your purpose in life?
It’s been right in front of you the whole time!

We tend to let Anger, Fear, and Sadness win because it’s easy. But fighting for Happiness is so much more rewarding. I believe that Happiness is a muscle that must be exercised in order to grow. It’s a fun workout that is quickly addictive and changes everything about your life.
As a Motivational Public Speaker, Storyteller, and Coach, I'd like to help you grow as an individual so that you can Master Happiness.
Only you can define what really makes you Happy. And once you do that, the rest can be pretty easy.
Search your soul and ask yourself,
"What are the things that make me jump out of bed in the morning?"
"What do I want to do TODAY?"
"What is going to put a smile on my face?"
"What can I do to put a smile on someone else's face?"
Make a full list of EVERYTHING that you Love, everything that brings you Joy.
Once done, let's talk about your next step.
Download the
Oh, I See! Sheet
Download the Present, Past, Future Sheet
Names are hidden for client confidentiality.
“Working with Marty has been a joy. He helped me to discover my brand and bring more precision to my overall message. His expertise in marketing, sales and speaking has made the process simple and highly effective. Marty has a light-hearted and warm approach which gave plenty of space for creativity and exploration but also allowed for gentle redirection when I wanted to implement an idea that has been proven to be ineffective. Through only a few sessions, we were able to delve into my core and return with not only the essence of my message but also a logo that amplified it. He is indeed an optimistic problem solver! Thanks Marty!”
“When facing a tough decision about changing jobs, I sat with Marty for about an hour. He helped me chart out my thoughts and feelings and in the end my decision was easy. He showed me how to step away from the stress and put me back on the right path. Thank you.”
“Confused and frustrated in my current job. Marty gave me a “homework” assignment and then we sat and talked about what brought me joy and what my skills were. I am still in a transitional phase of my life, but I am so glad I gained additional clarity chatting with Marty.”
“Marty’s workshops are full of fun and with lots of tips that we can use in daily communication. He encourages everyone to practice, is always positive, and gives constructive feedback. His workshop is one of the most important reasons that I come to these events. Thank you, Marty!”
“Marty, you are such a blessing. I have gotten so many good ideas and tips from you on applying different emotions, use big beginning, and vocal varieties in my speeches. Your creativity and your passion in sharing your wisdom with others are truly appreciated!”
“We enjoy your workshops as they are always full of great tips and practicing opportunities. Most of all, you make learning a fun experience.”

Ask me about the on-going
group or personalized training.
I have been in a number of relationships with people and companies. I have found that being good at one has always helped me be good at the other.
Take advantage of my many years experience as Manager, Mentor, Trainer, Coach, Father, and Friend. I will show you the shortcuts needed to quickly get to where you want to go.
Let's do a quick phone call or meet for a cup of coffee for a no obligation conversation.
Let's see if I am the right person to help you achieve that dream.

FREE Worksheet Download
CLICK HERE to download a
FREE Sample of the many worksheets that are used throughout the Master Happiness Career and Life Coaching.
Here are just a few ideas that Marty Jalove would love to talk about with you. All workshops and consultations are private so that you can feel at ease discussing your personal goals. Prepare to be engaged by interesting stories, voluntary role-playing, worksheets, and a lot of fun. You will quickly find out that working with Marty is always a no-pressure, hands-on activity that will get you laughing while exploring your future.
In the modern workplace, it can be hard to maintain meaningful relationships with your colleagues and peers and still be productive. Team building exercises don't always do the trick.
Make everyday communication more positive and effective with Master Happiness. Our innovative communication training will help you create strong, successful connections - both inside and outside of work.
Make your own happiness a priority with Master Happiness. Our training will help you break down barriers, build better relationships and bring out the best in yourself, so you can make every conversation enjoyable for everyone involved.
Personal Brand
Public Speaking
Elevator Speech
Storytelling and Story Selling
Value Alignment
Passion, Mission, Vision
What's your BACON?
What gets you up in the morning?
What are your Monday mornings like? Do you look for excuses to avoid life, work, school, or relationships? Discover your PASSION and rewrite the road map of your life. Start looking forward to each and every day with new opportunities to do the things that you love. You were meant to be Happy. Let’s start making it happen!
​Unlock your inner potential with Master Happiness' Discovering Your Passion training program. With our comprehensive coaching and inspiring advice, our program will help unlock the path to living a more meaningful, satisfied life.

Work/Life Balance
Life is stressful and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Work can pile up, family needs require attention, and it’s all too easy to feel like you never have a moment just for yourself.
Wouldn't it be nice to have more balance in life? There’s no need to keep struggling against the chaos of life. With the right tools, anyone can learn how to regain control over their own happiness.
It's time to take back your life! Master Happiness provides work-life balance training that can help you reclaim your inner peace and discover the joy in everyday living. Let us show you how to reward yourself with a sense of fulfillment whenever you need it most!
Setting boundaries at work
Mental fitness
Conflict and Stress Management
Your Elevator Speech
Make a Connection in under a minute!
Networking events can be stressful and uncomfortable. You feel like you don’t know what to say or how to introduce yourself in the best possible light.
Don’t dread networking events anymore! Building your elevator speech can help you craft the perfect introduction that is clear, concise, and captivating.
Imagine confidently walking into a room full of strangers knowing exactly what to say. Master Happiness can help you build an elevator speech that will leave a lasting impression on every person you meet.
The Art of Small Talk
Feel Confident in every room!
Does the thought of having to make small talk stress you out and stop you from engaging in social settings? Do you ever find yourself struggling to come up with topics to talk about or the right thing to say?
After: Unlock your conversation potential and become a master of small talk. End the awkwardness and learn how to easily strike up conversations, draw out fascinating stories, and leave a lasting impression.
Bridge: With Master Happiness’ Art of Small Talk training, you’ll discover powerful ways to engage in conversations with ease, whilst being interesting, confident, and personable. Start connecting with others confidently today!
It's my turn to talk!
Are you tired of feeling scared and uncomfortable while speaking in front of a crowd? Having to prepare your thoughts ahead of time and constantly worrying about forgetting what to say can make public speaking a nightmare.
It doesn’t have to be so hard! With the right training, you can become a master of public speaking, expanding your confidence and knowledge. Imagine the possibilities when you can easily express yourself in any situation.
With Master Happiness – Speech and Presentation Training – Achieve the power of communication success! Embrace the world with our step-by-step guidance on how to craft an excellent speech and perfect presentation every single time.
Sizzling Storytelling
Illustrate your messages with Amazing Stories
Do you feel like you are missing something? An extra sparkle that helps you to get noticed and makes the crowd cheer for more? Do you have an idea or a product, but don’t know how to share it with the world in a way that people will understand why it matters?
Now is the time to master your craft of storytelling and selling. Gain insights on how to create an emotional connection with your audience so they every word is unforgettable. Learn practical tools to make sure your story resonates and sticks.
Unlock the power of storytelling and selling with Master Happiness. We show you how simple steps can help make your message powerful, memorable and persuasive. Take control of your destiny and achieve success with these tools!
Personal Growth
Being successful in your career and developing yourself professionally is a great way to improve your life. However, it’s hard to know where to start and you’re often left feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.
Don’t wait for motivation or inspiration - take control of your life and start learning and growing today! There’s no need to feel stuck and aimlessly wandering around in any area of your life anymore. You can finally start pushing forward with confidence.
With Master Happiness, you can easily transform into the person you want to be on both a professional and personal level with personalized coaching sessions that are tailored to you. Get the tools, skills and confidence needed to take your life to the next level.
Career Growth
Performance Coaching
Priorities, Responsibilities, and Interruptions
Career Change
Goal Setting
Habit Formation
Time Management
Personal Branding
Where do you swim?
Are you ready to take control of your career journey and be the master of your own destiny? Have you been searching for a way to stand out and make yourself irresistible in the job market?
Unleash your true self and discover what makes you unique. Transform into someone who stands tall, speaks up, and radiates confidence. Unlock new paths to success with an unforgettable personal brand.
Choose to become the master of your happiness with Master Happiness's personal branding training. With our tailored program, you can craft a memorable personal brand that stands out from the rest!
Are you feeling stuck and uninspired with your career? Or feeling like no matter how hard you work, you’re still struggling to achieve your goals? It can be an uphill battle to find the motivation and balance necessary to take your career to the next level.
You have the potential to be a leader in what you do, and that starts with mastering happiness. Feel empowered and inspired as you learn practical tools, tips, and strategies that will help bring out your best self. Take charge of your life and start conquering whatever it is you wish to pursue!
With Master Happiness' easy-to-follow leadership training program, learn how to cultivate a positive mindset, discover new ways of staying motivated and reach success faster than ever before. Make today the day for taking the first step towards becoming a leader in life.
New Manager Coaching
Performance Reviews
Evaluation and Feedback
Active Listening

The BIG Interview!
Be prepared for what they are going to ask you.
The interview process can be overwhelming. You know you have the skills and qualifications, but how do you convince the hiring team? Preparing for interviews can feel daunting and intimidating, making it hard to stay confident as you search for new opportunities.
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to make you stand out in the interview? Imagine feeling prepared, polished and ready to shine! With the right support, resources and motivation, you can sail through the interview process with ease.
Master Happiness Interview Prep Training provides personalized support from experienced industry leaders to help you ace your next big opportunity. Our interactive classes offer valuable insights into successful interviewing techniques that will make your next interview a breeze.
Circles of Solid Relationships
Relationships can be complicated and it's hard to figure out how to make them work. You've probably tried numerous ways, but nothing has seemed to stick. Yet, you've heard of people in fulfilling relationships and you want that for yourself.
What if spending just a few hours a week could help you build stronger relationships with the important people in your life? It’s possible with Master Happiness, a training program that helps you learn to communicate better and navigate difficult conversations with ease.
Get ready to start building strong relationships that last! With guidance from Master Happiness, you'll have the tools, tips, and tricks necessary to create more meaningful connections.